What we do!
The Clicking Generation
We answer yes! to color, fun and exploration. Our programs are tailored for the various innovator age groups.
The Clicking Generation
Our Programs
We explore digital concepts through a comprehensive curriculum to include: computer coding, design thinking, career guidance and age appropriate creative process learning. We offer free training that promotes women and girl’s participation in STEM related fields through GirlsInICT and #eSkills4Girls initiatives.
Coding & Robotics
Coding is FUN! In contributing to the growing demand of global skills such as AI, IoT and cyber security. We are committed to igniting the next generation globally competitive workforce. We offer our clients training and challenges that have been known to unlock creative and innovative thinking. Additionally; these challenges provide improved social skills and increased student achievement through all school subjects.
Interactive sessions and hackathons are grounds for new ideas. An opportunity for problem-solving approaches and a sure way to get learners excited to work in teams. The learners demonstrate technical skills acquired from the training and practice the presentation skills during competitions.
Girls in ICT
Girls are less likely to explore STEM fields during their academic years and few end up leading successful tech careers. The Clicking Generation seeks to change this narrative especially for young Batswana.
We are contributing to closing the digital gender divide through targeted technical and leadership training for #GirlsInICT
On a global scale we are driving towards SDG 5 to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls to become creators and innovators of note
Coding Clubs
The objective of the Coders Club is to get like-minded learners together to co-create, discuss, and build digital solutions together. The coding clubs explore computer programming languages, digital trends that will benefit them across all school subjects.
Coders Clubs are expected to;
STEM Mentorship Program
STEM Mentors are tertiary students and professionals in STEM and related professions. They share their personal and professional journey with the objective of equipping learners with tools and ethical approaches for a successful future. This allows learners to maximize their potential towards their destined careers.
Tech Ambassadors
Tech Ambassadors are volunteer student representatives from our partner schools and communities. They play a vital role in continued advocacy, leading ‘tech-related’ initiatives and collaborations. Their enthusiasm cultivates STEM conversations and engagement among fellow students and other interested parties.
Train the Trainer Program
The train-the-trainer program is essential for increased reach of our targeted groups. Teachers, volunteers are equipped with knowledge, skills and tools to deliver content to large groups. Since 2013, we have trained thousands of teachers and volunteer champions across Botswana who continue to train learners in their classrooms.
Corporate Training
We offer corporate training for your staff on technology tools, efficiency and cyber security. We are here to provide you with tailored training that varies from organization to organization.
What we did and what came out!
Girls In ICT
Tech Inventors
How we are doing!
Since 2010, been the best kids and teens innovation and technology companion in the world.
Corporate Training
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Call to enrol your child 267-72-635-353
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